
首页 > 课程体系 > 自我管理 > 有效的会议
  • 模块名称:
  • 有效的会议
  • Title:
  • Effective meetings 
  • 内容简介:
  • 每个管理者都感受过无效的会议带来的弊处:冗长的会议令每个参会者都筋疲力尽,却没有实质性的决定或结果。会前准备是开展有效会议的关键。这个系列的相关课程将介绍一个三步法帮助你准备会议,在整个会议过程中,它将成为指导性的纲要,确保会议的进程围绕既定目标。在会议过程中,有两个关键的环节需要加以特别的注意:开场和结束。我们的课程将帮助你深入了解开好“头”需要解决的主要问题,如何有效地结束会议,总结会议中做出的决定,并进行自我评估。最后,课程评估了会议主持者和参会者的作用,同时提供了如何尽可能使用视觉化手段帮助会议有 
  • Abstract:
  • Every manager dreads the damage done by conferencitis: everlasting meetings that drain the energy of the participants, where no concrete decisions are taken and no satisfactory results are achieved. Preparing a meeting beforehand is the key to its effectiveness. This training gives you a 3-step method for preparing your meetings. It will serve as a guideline throughout the course of the meeting and will ensure that the meeting is relevant to the set objectives.There are two key stages during the meeting that must be properly conducted: the opening of the meeting and its conclusion. This training gives you an insight into the key stages necessary for giving a meeting a good start as well concluding it effectively while summarising all decisions taken and providing scope for the group’s self-assessment. Lastly, this training programme assesses the role of the group leader and the participants during the meeting and provides several tips on using visual presentation aids as efficiently as possible.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《准备会议:CPA法 》
    《如何从开始掌控会议? 》
    《如何高效地开会? 》
    《如何结束会议? 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《How to prepare your meetings by using the CPA method? 》
    《How to keep your meetings under control from the very start? 》
    《How to run meetings efficiently? 》
    《How to conclude your meetings? 》

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