
首页 > 课程体系 > 自我管理 > 时间管理
  • 模块名称:
  • 时间管理
  • Title:
  • Time management 
  • 内容简介:
  • 很多经理觉得时间压力很大:他们老是觉得时间不够用,很想节省时间,竭力避免浪费时间……幸运的是,时间管理能力是可以学习并在实践中提高的。这正是本系列课程的目的。课程先从工作和个人生活两个角度分析你的价值观、首要任务和目标,对你进行评估。然后,帮助你发现并列出所有造成时间浪费的主要因素。最后,为你提供一些简单易用的方法,帮助你掌握主要的计划工具,处理日常干扰以及学会管理可能会打乱你的计划的意外事件。  
  • Abstract:
  • Managing your time means giving priority not only to the tasks that you must carry out but also to the tasks that are important to you. Many managers feel stressed by time: they are always short of it, want to save it and are fighting to prevent time from being wasted... so many expressions to show how frustrated they feel faced with the passing of time. Fortunately, time management can be learnt and improved upon with practice. This is the aim of this training. The training starts by taking note of your values, your priorities and your objectives both from a professional and a personal point of view. Once this assessment is made, this programme provides you with the opportunity to identify and draw up a list of all the main factors that lead to time-wasting. Finally, it provides simple techniques for mastering the main planning tools, for handling daily interruptions and for learning to manage contingencies that risk upsetting your schedule.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《分析工作安排和首要任务》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Analyse the organisation of your work and your priorities 》
    《Recognise the factors in time-wasting》
    《Use the tools for planning and remembering》
    《How to deal with everyday interruptions?》
    《How to manage trouble makers?》

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