
首页 > 课程体系 > 自我管理 > 培养自信心
  • 模块名称:
  • 培养自信心
  • Title:
  • Assertiveness and self-confidence 
  • 内容简介:
  • 同事间的意见不合,客户关系面临困难,宣布不受欢迎的决定……我们每个人每天都必须面对紧张和冲突的情况。在压力极大的情况下,有些人能够保持冷静自信,另一些人则会不知所措,任由别人利用自己,不敢表达自己的需求,也无法维护自己的权利。这是为什么呢?实际上,问题的答案取决于我们是否能肯定自己的能力,也就是能否培养自信。要想拥有自信,你就要了解自己的角色,自己能够接受什么,拒绝什么……这些是与他人保持良好、富有成效的日常关系的最好方法。本系列课程会介绍一些方法,帮助你在日常生活中认识并发展自己的自信潜力。  
  • Abstract:
  • Disagreements between colleagues, difficult relations with a customer, the announcement of unpopular decisions... Each of us must face tense and conflictual situations on a daily basis. In such moments of extreme pressure, some people give the impression of stability and self-assurance, while others are insecure, let themselves be exploited by others, and have difficulty expressing their needs and defending their rights. Why it this? In fact, the answer lies in our ability to affirm ourselves, i.e. to develop assertive behaviour? Being self-confident, knowing who you are and what you can accept or refuse... these are the best way of ensuring good and productive relations with others on a daily basis. This programme provides you with the keys for identifying and developing your potential to be assertive and for learning to use it daily.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《何谓自信心? 》
    《如何提出请求和表达拒绝? 》
    《如何在困境中保持自信? 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《What is self-confidence? 》
    《Formulating a request, expressing a refusal 》
    《How to be assertive in difficult situations? 》

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