
首页 > 课程体系 > 自我管理 > 提高你的每日效率
  • 模块名称:
  • 提高你的每日效率
  • Title:
  • Boost your everyday effectiveness 
  • 内容简介:
  • 你是不是觉得每天会议一个接着一个?有很多问题需要处理?电子邮件一大堆?经理面对的挑战之一就是处理每天收到的信息。你的效率和速度主要取决于处理这些信息的能力。好的格式、分析和记忆力是在日常工作中取得成功的重要因素,这也是本培训课程的重点。同样地,电子邮件已经成为公司中主要的交流方式之一,但是,如果使用不当,就会给公司和个人造成严重的问题。本系列课程还会帮助你更好地认识通过电子邮件进行交流的特点。  
  • Abstract:
  • Meetings one after another? Several cases to take on? A lot of e-mails to deal with? As a manager, one of your challenges is being able to handle the volume of information that you receive every day. Your efficiency and rapidity will be largely dependant on your capacity to process this information and extract the relevant parts. Better format, analyse and memorise are key-factors to daily success and will be dealt with in the training programme. In the same way, e-mail has become one of the main means of communication in companies, but if poorly managed it can lead to serious individual and collective setbacks. This programme gives you an overview on better understanding the characteristics of communication by e-mail.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《提高记忆力 》
    《如何有效地做笔记? 》
    《如何利用电子邮件更好地沟通? 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Improving your memory 》
    《Taking effective notes 》
    《Communicating powerfully by email 》

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