
首页 > 课程体系 > 领导力 > 建设高效团队
  • 模块名称:
  • 建设高效团队
  • Title:
  • Building a high-performance team  
  • 内容简介:
  • 光靠把每个人的才能加在一起并不能打造一个成功的团队。事实上,团队中充满着复杂的互动。同样的技能和资源如果协同使用,可能产生非常好的结果;也可能因为不断的争执,而产生各种冲突。作为管理者,你应该确定框架,创造条件,鼓励集体合作。这一系列的课程为你提供了取得良好的团队绩效的基本工具:认识和分析团队发展的不同阶段。在此基础上,你可以评估你的团队,确定其所处的阶段,并采用相应的方法帮助团队进步。目的是建设一个高效、目标导向的团队,使每个团队成员为共同的结果负责。  
  • Abstract:
  • You don’t necessarily get a successful team just by adding everyone’s talents together! A team is in fact the result of complex interactions. The same set of skills and ressources could either work in synergy and produce extraordinary results, or be lost in futile disputes and prove to be counter-productive. As a manager, it is up to you to define the framework and implement the conditions that encourage collective performance. This programme provides you with an essential tool for achieving performance: the presentation and analysis of the different stages of collective maturity. Based on this grid of essential reading, you will be able to assess your team and identify the levers in order to help it progress. The objective? To build an efficient, target-oriented team where each member is responsible for the common results.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《高效团队的三大特点 》
    《团队发展的四个阶段与管理对策 》
    《奠定高效团队的基础 》
    《打造团结协作的团队 》
    《提升团队绩效:评估与授权 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《What is a team? 》
    《The 4 stages of team development 》
    《Laying your team’s foundation 》
    《Creating a united team 》
    《Developing team performance 》

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