
首页 > 课程体系 > 领导力 > 愿景与领导力
  • 模块名称:
  • 愿景与领导力
  • Title:
  • Vision and leadership 
  • 内容简介:
  • 愿景是构成鼓舞人心的领导力的重要部分。没有愿景,整个企业就失去了发展的力量和取得新成就的动力。在今天,领导力指的是让他人自愿做事。领导者要承诺创造一个大家都有归属感的环境,他们利用愿景把鼓舞和激励团队与个人取得好成绩的能力结合在一起。每一位经理都要将更高一级的企业愿景转化成为极具活力、影响力和鼓动力的部门/团队愿景。本系列课程将向你介绍领导力与愿景之间的联系,从而帮助你创造属于自己的愿景,并使其具有可操作性。同时我们还会帮助你寻找团队的主要动力和激发因素,有效地处理员工的抵抗行为,以及进行愿景的传达。罗伯 
  • Abstract:
  • "Without vision, companies find themselves with managers dispossessed of one of the key aspects of inspirational leadership. Teams remain confused about their mission and their meaning to the enterprise. With lack of vision comes a lack of motivation, increased levels of stress and poor performance. In short, without vision the whole organisation loses the strength and dynamism required to move towards new frontiers and new achievement. Leadership today means getting others to want to do things. And through a commitment to creating a world to which people want to belong, leaders encapsulate the capacity to inspire and motivate organisations and individuals to great achievement through vision. For today, it is essential for every manager to be able to take ownership of the higher corporate vision and transform this into a dynamic, influential and motivating vision at his or her very own level. This programme takes you from defining the links between leadership and vision to creating your vision, making it operational, finding key motivations and motivators in your teams, dealing with resistance and communicating the vision. It features ground-breaking tools from Robert Dilts, programme author and one of the world’s leading thinkers and doers in the field of leadership and change. And finally, it uses his unique and essentially powerful techniques calling not only upon your skills of reason, but also your senses, your heart and your gut feeling."  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《何谓愿景? 》
    《创造你的愿景 》
    《何谓领导力? 》
    《如何让愿景变得具体可行? 》
    《为实施愿景做准备 》
    《员工价值观与积极性管理 》
    《让你的团队接受愿景 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《What is vision? 》
    《Visioneering:creating your vision 》
    《What is leadership? 》
    《Moving from vision to action 》
    《Linking the vision to the present 》
    《Building on the values and motivations of your people 》
    《Managing the beliefs of your people 》

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