
首页 > 课程体系 > 领导力 > 新官上任
  • 模块名称:
  • 新官上任
  • Title:
  • Managing for the first time 
  • 内容简介:
  • 成为新任经理或负责带领新的团队往往会给职业生涯带来许多重大的变化。本系列课程将首先帮助你了解你的新职务,然后帮助你了解你的团队的运作情况、团队的任务和预期的绩效。在这方面,我们将向你介绍多种管理工具,帮助你带领好团队,进行绩效管理。最后,为了更有效地进行管理,经理人还要考虑员工和团队的期望。在这个系列的课程中,我们将主要介绍员工管理与团队领导方面的知识。  
  • Abstract:
  • Taking on the function of manager always constitutes an important moment in your professional life. The changes are many and significant. They express themselves in terms of status, level of responsibility and professional level: getting work done always takes precedence over on doing the work yourself. This training session aims at supporting you during this key period of taking on managerial functions and provides answers to your many questions. This is why this programme starts with helping you take stock of your new role: what are its implications in your professional and personal life, what is expected of you, what must your priorities be during the initial weeks of your taking on managerial functions?Another essential requirement is understanding the functioning of your unit, the tasks allocated and the expected performance. In this perspective, this programme provides you with various management tools to place your unit and manage performance. Lastly, to take on your managerial functions successfully, it is important to take into account the expectations of the staff you manage and the team they form. This is why this training session focuses on managing staff and leading a team. It gives you the indispensable keys to train a high-performance team and the basic practices to manage staff.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《管理员工的七种期望 》
    《审视你的管理角色 》
    《诊断你的团队 》
    《在新管理岗位上取得成功的黄金法则 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Fundamentals for managing your team 》
    《Taking stock of your role as a manager 》
    《Carrying out a diagnosis of your team 》
    《Taking stock of your team 》
    《The golden rules for being successful in a new managerial role 》

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