
首页 > 课程体系 > 领导力 > 横向管理
  • 模块名称:
  • 横向管理
  • Title:
  • Transverse Management 
  • 内容简介:
  • 项目管理、特别工作组、管理核心或支持岗位、流程控制、网络管理……对于一个复杂组织来说,跨职能管理必不可少。跨职能管理超出了上下级管理的范围,同时也是后者的补充。上下级管理与管辖范围和权力等概念相关联,往往把事情进行划分,这与共同利益和整体绩效目标相违背。在一家公司中,最重大的进步是在跨职能互动中取得的。本课程的目的是培养你协调不同部门的人员,促进他们互相协作的能力。这些人不直接向你汇报工作,他们将共同努力以取得期望的结果。具备了这一热门的专业技能之后,你将成为你工作单位的宝贵资产。  
  • Abstract:
  • Project management, task forces, managing central or support roles, process control, network management… cross-functional management is essential in complex organisations where it is important to cooperate and to respond collectively. Cross-functional management both goes beyond and complements top-down management. Associated as it is with notions of territory and power, top-down management tends to compartmentalise things, and this runs counter to both the general interest and global performance goals. The most significant progress in a company is made at points of cross-functional interaction.
    The aim of this programme is to develop your ability to coordinate people in various sectors and help them coordinate in turn. These are people who do not report to you, and who are expected to contribute together to achieving results. By developing this highly sought-after expertise, you'll become a precious asset indeed for your organisation.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《何谓横向管理? 》
    《培养合作行为 》
    《提升在非等级关系中的领导力 》
    《让发言更有说服力 》
    《人际关系网 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《What is transverse management? 》
    《Developing Cooperative Behavior 》
    《Asserting your leadership in a non-hierarchical relationship 》
    《Preparing a convincing presentation 》
    《Networking 》

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