
首页 > 课程体系 > 领导力 > 群策群力解决问题
  • 模块名称:
  • 群策群力解决问题
  • Title:
  • Resolving problems as a team  
  • 内容简介:
  • 作为一名管理者,你要花费很多时间扮演“问题解决能手”的角色。你是否觉得为此筋疲力尽?其实,如果对你的日常工作进行仔细的观察,你将发现日常工作完全可以被简化:很多问题都可以由你的团队来解决!当你难以解决问题时,你的团队成员可能有一些非常好的想法!所以,你应该激发团队成员的创造力,让他们参与解决相关问题。这可以带来几大好处:鼓励团队积极参与,群策群力找到的解决方案通常质量更高,并且更容易被团队成员接受。为了帮助你掌握这种方法,本系列的课程将提供一系列实用的工具,帮助你激发团队成员,乃至更多人的创意,提高他们提 
  • Abstract:
  • As a manager, you spend a large part of your time playing the role of a “problem solver”. Do you find this exhausting? If this is the case, your daily activities will surely be simplified by an apparently trite observation: a lot of the problems that you encounter can actually be solved... by your team! And when you are short of ideas, your colleagues can have some really good ones! This is why you should be able to stimulate the creativity of your colleagues and involve them in solving problems that concern them. You will see that this initiative has several advantages: it encourages your team to be more involved, and solutions found collectively are often of a better quality and are more readily accepted than those coming from “higher up”. To help you in this approach, this programme provides you with a range of practical tools with immediate applicability for bringing out the creativity and enhancing the propositional skills, not only of your team but of groups in general, even large ones.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《便条法:人人参与大型会议 》
    《高效会议的三种方法 》
    《领导头脑风暴会 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《How to get everyone in a large meeting to join in, thanks to the Post-it® method 》
    《Three techniques to help you run meetings efficiently 》
    《Leading a brainstorming session 》

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