
首页 > 课程体系 > 人力资源管理 > 招聘
  • 模块名称:
  • 招聘
  • Title:
  • Recruitment 
  • 内容简介:
  • 招聘新员工对你和你的团队来说都是一项投入。招聘过程本身将占用你很多时间。一旦选好了新员工,你的团队还必须培训他们进入新环境和新角色。考虑到你和你的新员工的潜在风险,招聘过程必须成功。什么是成功的招聘呢?成功的招聘在于聘用能够胜任的人,他们能够很好地融入团队,胜任与他们的志向相符的岗位。本课程将向你介绍成功的招聘的流程及其要点,确保新聘人才充实你的团队。  
  • Abstract:
  • Recruiting a new employee is a real investment for you and your team. The process in itself is going to take up your time. Once new staff have been selected, your team will have to train them in their new environment and role. Given what's at stake for you and your new employee, it is crucial that your recruitment process is a success. This is fundamental for the construction of a lasting collaboration. What is sucessful recruitment?It is the hiring of competent individuals, who will integrate perfectly into the team, in a role in line with their own aspirations. This programme provides all the keys for succeeding in the different phases of the process... and sees to it that your team is enriched by the arrival of new talent!  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《如何准备经理人招聘面试? 》
    《如何进行经理人招聘面试? 》
    《如何结束招聘面试? 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《How to prepare for a recruitment interview with an experienced executive? 》
    《Conducting a recruitment interview with an experienced executive 》
    《Concluding the recruitment process 》

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