
首页 > 课程体系 > 战略 > 业务层面战略
  • 模块名称:
  • 业务层面战略
  • Title:
  • Strategy at business level 
  • 内容简介:
  • 制定战略已经不再是公司董事们的特权。随着职责越来越分散,越来越多的经理们发现自己处于利润中心或者新业务的领导位置上,必须提出建议来开拓业务。每个团队领导人都必须理解公司的战略,并且向员工们解释。本培训课程的目的是介绍企业战略,以及企业是如何设定自己的目标和使命的。本课程将介绍战略分析的基本术语,以及两种主要的企业战略:成本和差异化。本课程将帮助你审视和分析你的经营活动和竞争地位,并提出符合企业总体战略的新战略。  
  • Abstract:
  • Developing a strategy is no longer the prerogative of company directors. As responsibilities are decentralised, a growing number of managers find themselves at the head of profit centres or new activities and have to come up with proposals for their development. Every team manager must be capable of understanding the company strategy and explaining it to the employees. This training course attempts to explain company strategy and how companies define own goals and missions. The course will explain the basic vocabulary of strategic analysis and the two major corporate strategies: costs and differentiation. The course will help you to take a step back and analyse your activity and competitive position and to propose new strategies that fit in with the enterprise’s general strategy.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《在业务层面确立战略 》
    《何谓成本战略? 》
    《成功实施成本战略 》
    《何谓差异化战略? 》
    《实施差异化战略 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Building your strategy at the business level 》
    《What is a cost strategy? 》
    《Conducting a cost strategy successfully 》
    《What is differentiation strategy? 》
    《Conducting a differentiating strategy successfully 》

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