
首页 > 课程体系 > 销售与市场 > 市场营销基础
  • 模块名称:
  • 市场营销基础
  • Title:
  • Introducing marketing 
  • 内容简介:
  • 何谓市场营销?它的目的是什么?为什么消费者会想到某个品牌而不是其他的品牌?消费者是怎样做出购买的决定的?怎样对大众消费市场、B2B市场等不同领域进行市场分析?……为服务大众消费而出现的市场营销已经成为各行各业的必备技能,有了它,企业才能在一定的市场领域中形成持久性的差异化优势。许多工业或金融业公司高管都并未真正理解市场营销的基础知识,而他们却越来越多地需要在做出决策或公司业务中考虑到市场营销的因素。本系列的课程将使用众多的公司案例分析,帮助学习者学习市场营销学的各个基础知识点。 
  • Abstract:
  • What is marketing and what is its purpose? What makes consumers think of one brand and not another? How are consumers’ opinions formed? How do consumers make their purchasing decisions? How do you analyse a market, whether it is a mass consumption or business-to-business market? How do you segment it in order to adapt to its particularities? Invented for mass consumption, marketing has become an essential feature of every sector of activity in order to create durable differentiating factors in a given market. Many company executives from industry or finance do not really understand the fundamentals of marketing, while they increasingly need to take marketing into consideration in their decisions or their daily business relationships. This simple and concrete course, which makes extensive use of company case studies, will fill this gap. 
  • 模块课程:
  • 《何谓市场营销? 》
    《市场调研 》
    《 消费者行为 》
    《市场细分 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《What is marketing? 》
    《Researching your market 》
    《Consumer behavior 》
    《Understanding segmentation 》

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