
首页 > 课程体系 > 销售与市场 > 确定和执行市场战略
  • 模块名称:
  • 确定和执行市场战略
  • Title:
  • Fixing and applying a marketing strategy 
  • 内容简介:
  • 如何为品牌和产品在市场中找到一个强大的、与众不同的独特地位?如何对你的营销政策和结果进行有目的的分析,如何根据审计重新定义营销战略并制定更适合的营销计划?本课程介绍了营销方法的基础知识,应用性很强,并以行动为导向,配合大量的公司案例,专为非营销专业的人员设计。如果你在另一个部门工作但是要与市场部合作,本课程能够帮助你了解他们面对的问题,并为公司的营销政策作出更大的贡献。如果你负责管理包括了市场经理的利润中心,那么本课程可以帮助你了解可能的营销选择,并对所有的问题进行全面分析,从而做出正确的决策。  
  • Abstract:
  • How can you find a strong and distinct place for brands and their products in markets that are apparently saturated with other offers? How can you objectively analyse the marketing policies that have been applied and their results, redefine a marketing strategy based on this audit and then build an appropriate marketing plan? This practical, action-oriented programme, full of company case studies, is designed for non-marketing specialists. The course introduces the fundamentals of any marketing approach: consumer marketing, business-to-business or the marketing of services. If you occupy a position in another department and have to work with marketing managers, then this course will help you to understand the issues they face and to make a better contribution to the marketing policy of your company. If you manage a profit centre that includes a marketing manager, then this course will help you understand the available options and analyse all of the issues in order to take the right decisions.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《选择正确的产品定位 》
    《营销审计 》
    《确定市场战略 》
    《制定市场计划 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Choosing the correct market positioning for your product 》
    《Audit your marketing program 》
    《Determining your marketing strategy 》
    《Create your marketing plan 》

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