
首页 > 课程体系 > 创新 > 强化您的创造力
  • 模块名称:
  • 强化您的创造力
  • Title:
  • Strengthen your creativity 
  • 内容简介:
  • 在日益复杂的工作环境中,每个人都在寻求创新的解决方法,以便更好地面对新挑战:这需要你转换思路,进行创新!如果你认为好的思维能力只属于少数精英,那你就错了:良好的思维能力是可以学习和培养的!研究人员发现,通过提高注意力、多加练习,以及使用恰当的工具,思维技能是可以被提高的。这一系列的课程将为你介绍多种方法,帮助你更好地组织和整理思路,发展创造力,提高解决问题的能力。 
  • Abstract:
  • In increasingly complex work environments, each person must find innovative solutions for facing the new challenges they are confronted with: this involves thinking differently or, even better, innovating! And if you think that quality thinking is the prerogative of a few brilliant minds, you will be pleasantly surprised: thinking better can be learnt! Several researchers have shown that knowing how to think and intelligence are not the same thing and that thinking techniques can be improved by increasing attention, by practising and by using simple tools. This programme will introduce you to various techniques for structuring and channelling your thoughts better, developing your creativity and resolving problems.  
  • 模块课程:
  • 《沃尔特•迪斯尼与梦想成真之道 》
    《利用“问题树”分析复杂问题 》
    《利用思维导图提高思考能力 》
  • Lessons:
  • 《Walt Disney and the art of making ideas a reality 》
    《Analyzing a complex problem by using an “issue tree” 》
    《Boost your thinking power with the help of mind maps 》

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